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Thomas King
Student, www.saynotopalmoil.com

- Languages : English, Indonesian
- Last Login : Jun 19, 2011
About Me
Hi there,
My name's Thomas King and I live in Victoria, Australia. I've always been an animal lover and have had a passion for protecting animals, especially our fellow-primates.
I first learnt about the palm oil crisis and its affects on species like the orangutan in April of 2010, after seeing an ad for Melbourne Zoo's "Don't Palm Us Off" campaign. Since then, I have dedicated myself to saving this precious species from extinction, by raising awareness and funds.
To learn more about myself, what I have achieved and my view on the situation in South-East Asia, please watch my video application for the Project Borneo 3D. And don't forget to vote for me!
Feel free to visit my website: www.saynotopalmoil.com
Thank you,
Thomas {:(|}
- My Interests
Animal Rights, Climate Change, Educational Technology, Media, Rights of the Poor, Sustainable Development, Technology