How to Post a Blog...

Jun 17, 2011 at 10:43 PM by Jodi Salmond

Hey guys and gals...
Just wondering if anyone canhelp me with posting a blog with photos? I have been trying for a good week now to work out how to link photos and audio into the blog as suggested, but there doesnt seem to be any tutorials.

Does anyone know if its possible to use photos posted on facebook as the link? and does this then mean that the pictures are then embeded? can I move the photos around?

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


3 Replies

Mark Kuroski
Jun 18, 2011 at 12:53 PM

Hi Jodi!

I can definitely help you out with your question. It took me a long time to figure it out as well. I'm not sure if everything I say in this reply is 100% the correct way to go about posting photos, but it's what I found worked for me.

When I posted my blog that had photos within the blog itself, I selected the option for a "text post." If I selected a "photo post" the blog came out as a caption under the photo which made the formatting not the style I was looking for.

Once I selected a "text blog" I began writing, and when I came to a point in the text where I wanted a photo I clicked the little image button which is in the bottom left hand corner of the toolbar within the blog posting entry window. This brings up another smaller window asking for the URL, or link, to a photo, which is the tricky part...

I was not able to link to photos on facebook or flickr. Flickr gives an option to give the direct link to your photo, but even using that I kept getting the little red "x" in the blog posting telling me that the picture was not going to work. If I found an image from flickr on Google though I was able to do it, so I'm not really sure. Maybe I was doing something wrong.

When you do a Google search for an image, and then click on an image you like it will show you that image with the original page grayed out behind it. If you look in your web browser's address bar near the top you'll see a link...this link will not work for posting in your blog. If you look to the right you'll see an option for viewing the "full-size image". If you click on that it will show you the picture all by itself and you'll notice that the address in your address bar is shorter. This is the URL you'll want to copy and then paste into the empty text field in the window that popped up when you clicked no the 'image" button of your blog entry. If the URL worked you should then see the image you are linking to within the preview box instead of the red "X." I wouldn't worry about resizing the photo at this stage...I'll get to that in another paragraph. The only other option I would thing about now is if you want the photo to align to the right, or to the left. I'm not exactly sure how to get it to be centered. Maybe if you don't choose left or right, it will end up being centered...but the formatting doesn't always look exactly like it does when you are writing the post versus when you actually post it. You can play around with it and edit it after you post though until you get it to look right.

Now for a trickier part...

The paragraph above talks about how to get a Google image into your post, but if you want to use one of your own images from your computer it can be a little harder because the URL's from facebook and flickr don't work for the blog, as far as I know. Maybe you could upload your photos to flickr and then tag them in a way so that you could easily find them on a Google search and then from Google click on the "full-size image" and then take that URL instead of the one flickr gives you. It's worth a shot...but anyway, here's what I ended up doing...

I needed to get my photos onto the internet in a similar way that photos show up on a Google image search. Luckily I have a domain name that allows me to upload photos to my own website where I can then get the direct link to the photo stored on my providers server. Then when I copy the URL and paste it in my blog post the picture I took myself will appear. You can of course upload a single photo per blog post within the file size limitations, but if you want photos sprinkled throughout your blog post you need to use the URL's. The file/picture size doesn't matter when you use the URL because it's not actually uploading the photo, it's just linking to it. So...

If you have your own website you can upload your photos there and use the URL's. Myspace may do this, but I don't know. I have a feeling "free" personal websites don't give you the individual URL in the right format to work for the blog.

Long story short...

Please feel free to email me any photos you'd like in your blog and I'll upload them and email you back the URL's. My email is I'll try to get them done within 24 hours. I would be more than happy to help with this for anyone who needs help getting photos in their blog.

After you've got the correct URL in the preview and you've decided how you want your photo aligned click "okay." You should now see your photo in with your text and here you can resize it by clicking on it and dragging the corner in our out to make the picture larger or smaller.

Hopefully this helps, and if you have any questions about it please ask and I'll do my best to help!

Sorry I don't know anything about the audio blog post. I haven't tried to do that yet.

Jodi Salmond
Jun 19, 2011 at 8:06 AM

thankyou thankyou thankyou Mark...

I shall email you some pictures tommorrow if thats ok... I ended up just poting one of the blogs, as it seemed that the entire week it has taken me to get to this stage has been frustrating, so thankyou for answering!! I do have the problem of not having my images on the net, so I will email them to you.

Also, do you know if its possible to place the images in a variety of positions throughout the text, or is it prettyset on where they will end up? i.e. no text wrapping?


Michael Furdyk
Jun 20, 2011 at 11:55 PM

Hey Jodi,

You can upload the photos in the 'Gallery' on the left side and we'll host them for you free there smile