Welcome to the DeforestACTION Global Collaboration Centre! Here, you can use the varios tools listed under “Collaboration Centre” to interact with the Eco-warriors and other action agents from around the world. Share your ideas and inspire others to take DeforestACTION! ×

World Earth Day Live Event - April 22nd

Posted by amandacembal on 8 Apr 2013

On April 22nd, join us for a 40-minute webinar where you will hear from Holly Carroll, presenter of The Last of the Great Apes, on her experiences working and volunteering with great ape conservation projects. Get updates from Borneo, connect with other schools to hear their inspiring DeforestACTION projects, and share your ideas on how to tackle deforestation!

Register here!

Rise of the Eco-Warrior New Teaser Video!

Posted by amandacembal on 5 Mar 2013

Check out this new teaser video for The Rise of the Eco-Warrior documentary created by Virgo Productions. The documentary will be released this year and follows the young Eco-Warriors and their 100 day DeforestACTION journey as they represent youth action to understand and stop deforestation in Borneo, Indonesia. 

Fieldcrest Elementary Students Win My Hero Project Award

Posted by amandacembal on 14 Jan 2013

Congratulations to educator Mali Bickley and her students at Fieldcrest Elementary School in Toronto, who won a 1st place award in the My Hero International Film Festival with their video creation, A Rainforest Fable. 

A Rainforest Fable is an inspiring stop-motion animation video that was created by the grade 5 students, and shares how the Eco-Warriors are helping us say NO to palm oil products. 

Visit The My HERO Project website here to see their spotlight! 
Watch their video here on Youtube as well! Congratulations again, for an amazing achievement!

New Musical Video by Eco-Warriors Mark Kuroski and Kodi Twiner

Posted by amandacembal on 31 Dec 2012

Check out the newly edited version of the live musical Eco-Warriors, Mark Kuroski and Kodi Twiner performed for roughly 2,000 students at various schools during their 100 days in Borneo.

The title translates to "Nioh and the Orangutan." and is the story of a Dayak child who frees an orangutan and then is taken on an exciting journey through the rainforest. 


Amazing job Mark and Kodi! Thank-you for sharing your creative and inspiring performance with the world! 

DeforestACTION Webinar - Get Inspired, Informed and Involved!

Posted by amandacembal on 16 Oct 2012

Join us on October 24th, 2012 for a chance to be inspired by youth around the world. This webinar will showcase student and school DeforestACTION initiatives, each doing inspiring work towards stopping deforestation locally and globally.

Join us and engage with other youth around the world! We’ll also share some updates from Borneo and share some exciting updates from the DeforestACTION team!

Palm Oil Newsletters from Old Growth

Posted by sarahassan on 26 Sep 2012

Keep up-to-date with palm oil news from around the world through online, monthly newsletters from World Growth. Check them out here: http://worldgrowth.org/category/news-palm-oil/

Downloadable Student Action Project Guides

Posted by amandacembal on 15 Aug 2012

New downloadable educational resources have been added to the DeforestACTION website created specifically for educators and students involved in DeforestACTION, looking to develop project based skills.

Check-out our Fundraiser Guide which walks educators and upper-grade level students through planning and carrying-out a successful event, as well as, our Project Planning Guide for students which assists in all the steps of executing their own project! 

Check out more of our resources here!

Webinar Series in August for Educators

Posted by amandacembal on 8 Aug 2012

This August DeforestACTION is hosting an Educator Webinar Series! Choose from 6 sessions where you can learn more and hear from educators involved in the program! 

During the sessions we will share the global learning opportunities associated with DeforestACTION. By showcasing the educational resources, social media and technology tools, you can learn more about the opportunity to help students develop global competencies through international collaboration and project-based learning!

Register now! 

New EarthWatchers Tutorial Video!

Posted by amandacembal on 27 Jul 2012

A new user-friendly tutorial video has been created for EarthWatchers showing off all the features of this new platform! This video guides the viewer on how to register and use EarthWatchers, as well as, how to read all the satellite maps and images located in the wiki

Watch it here!


New Commit2Act Application!

Posted by amandacembal on 16 Jul 2012

TakingITGlobal has created a new application for IOS devices called, Commit2Act.

Small actions can have bit impact! Join other people like you in taking action for a better world by signing on to commitments connected to the issues that matter to you. Keep track of your progress and get inspired by a global community of youth change-makers.

This app allows you to compete with and encourage your friends, and engage with others around the world. Commit2Act and aplify your world-changing behaviours and connect with others across the globe.

Learn more at commit2act.org/ !! 


Video created by Eco-Warrior, Paul Daley.

Posted by amandacembal on 27 Jun 2012

Check out this new video created by Eco-Warrior, Paul Daley, sharing with us some shocking statistics about the Borneo rainforest and caling for global action to stop deforestation! 


Stop-motion animation video "A Rainforest Fable"

Posted by amandacembal on 20 Jun 2012

Check out this amazing stop-motion animation video by "The Dreamteam" grade 5 students at Fieldcrest Elementary in Ontario, Canada!! Working with teacher Mali Bickley the students created this video to share how the Eco Warriors are helping us to say no to palm oil products.




Deforestation and Clime Change Recording

Posted by amandacembal on 19 Jun 2012

DeforestACTION hosted an online live event on June 6th, 2012 discussing issues of deforestation and climate change, lead by Professor Danny Harvey, PhD. Danny Harvey is both a graduate and professor at the University of Toronto specializing in global warming, the environment, and climate change

If you missed the event you may view the recording here! and learn from Danny Harvey, as well as find out what the Eco-Warriors were working on while they were in Borneo!

New Earthwatchers Wiki!

Posted by amandacembal on 19 Jun 2012

Learn how to use Earthwatchers and how to read the satellite images taken of the rainforests! Check out the wiki that provides interpretation of the deforestation in Borneo as seen through Earthwatchers. Start monitoring and protecting the rainforests today! 


Report from Borneo: April 28th - May 6th!

Posted by amandacembal on 6 Jun 2012

On April 28th Action Agents joined the Eco-warriors for 2 weeks of DeforestACTION! They visited the local villages, saw the beautiful but endangered rainforests and orangutans, and assisted the Ecos in their on-ground projects. Read a report written by documentary director, Cathy Henkel for a glimpse into the first week of their stay! 

The Loss of Biodiversity Webinar Recording

Posted by amandacembal on 14 May 2012

On May 1st schools around the world joined us for an exciting online event! We explored deforestation and the loss of biodiversity with Adrienne Johnson, a Ph.D candidate in Geography from Clark University. If you were not able to attend view our recording and learn about more impacts of deforestation view it here!


View NEW Photos from Borneo in the Global Gallery!

Posted by amandacembal on 14 May 2012

The Eco-Warriors and Action Agents who just recently visited Borneo for 10 days have posted some wonderful photos of Borneo! Visit the album with photos taken by Paul Daley to see some wonderful rainforest creatures and Here to see photos of the projects the Eco-Warriors are working on!

Interesting blog on palm oil in the Washington Post!

Posted by amandacembal on 2 May 2012

Visit the Washington Post online newspaper to read a very educational and interesting blog about palm oil. The blog is by Brad Plumer and is titled "The EPA's most important decision this year could be over... vegetable oil?".

This posting covers the backstory of a 'fierce battle in the United States over whether the Environmental Protection Agency should allow more diesel made from palm oil to be used by U.S. refineries..." and discusses the creation of greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation in Indonesia and the off-set it causes to using palm oil as a biofuel. 

Read it here!

Deforestation and the Loss of Biodiversity Webinar!

Posted by amandacembal on 23 Apr 2012

On May 1st, join us for an exciting DeforestACTION online event! We will be exploring deforestation and the loss of biodiversity with Adrienne Johnson, a Ph.D candidate in Geography from Clark University. Take the opportunity to ask questions, showcase your DeforestACTION initiative, and find out what others have been doing around the world. Take part in the worldwide collaboration of youth and schools taking action to stop deforestation and Register now!


Eco-Warriors headed to Temback

Posted by amandacembal on 22 Apr 2012

This week the Eco-Warriors went to the village of Tembak to begin constructing new enclosures for our orangutans. The villagers have given DeforestACTION 63 hectares of rainforest to use as a release site! This is one of the ONLY secure release sites for orangutans in Indonesia! 

Watch and Learn about Earthwatchers!

Posted by amandacembal on 17 Apr 2012

View the recording of the Earthwatchers webinar hosted by Dr. Eduardo Dias which thoroughly explains the science and mechanics of Earthwatchers. Gain a thorough introduction to the Earthwatchers platform, and how you and your students can get started on monitoring the rainforests of Borneo.  Watch the recording here!!

A tutorial video on the platform is also available, and the more eyes earthwatchers has monitoring the forests, the quicker we can help save the Borneo forests, so sign-up here!

Did you miss the March Deforestaction Live Event?

Posted by amandacembal on 17 Apr 2012

Check out the recordings of the March 28th, 2012 DeforestACTION videoconference event! We heard from schools around the world and from the Eco-Warriors in Borneo. The Eco-Warriors shared with us their project teams, Orangutanation, and the official launch of Earthwatchers. Watch the webinar: www.livestream.com/tig

DeforestACTION Earthwatchers Webinar, April 4th, 2012!

Posted by amandacembal on 31 Mar 2012

On April 4th, join us to learn more about Earthwatchers! We will show you how to use the software to monitor rainforests via satellite imagery, how to make comments and send alerts to mark any notable land changes. This data will provide usable intelligence to local authorities to investigate deforestation in Borneo. 

Register here!

New Photos from Borneo are Posted in the Global Gallery!

Posted by amandacembal on 26 Mar 2012

The Eco-Warriors have recently returned to Borneo to finish their 100 days carrying out projects to help stop deforestation and save the communities and wildlife dependent on the forests! 

Recently Dr. Willie Smits and Eco-Warrior, Paul Daley have posted some photos of the Eco-Warriors and project crew cleaning up at the Sintang Orangutan Center after a recent storm destroyed many trees in the Sintang area. 

Check out photos posted by Willie Smits here and Paul Daley!

DeforestACTION Live Event - March 28!

Posted by amandacembal on 6 Mar 2012

On March 28th, join us for an exciting online collaborative learning event! We will take you deep into the heart the Borneo jungle to connect with orangutans, hear from Dr. Willie Smits and the Eco Warriors about the work they are doing with the Masarang Foundation, and speak with other schools around the world taking action to stop deforestation.

Register here!

4 Actions Agents are travelling to Borneo with the Eco-Warriors!

Posted by amandacembal on 7 Feb 2012

Due to an overwhelming interest in being part of the DeforestACTION team, DeforestACTION set up program where Action Agents who reached set targets of raising funds and awareness about DeforestACTION would be invited to come to Borneo and join the Eco-Warriors for two weeks in March!! 

Among these dedicated and inspiring Action Agents we would like to welcome to Borneo, Molly O’Ray from Canada, Chris Guatier, Astrid Taemets, and Jodi Salmond, from Australia! Congratulations! 

Millen Woods held their first DeforestACTION fundraiser!!

Posted by amandacembal on 7 Feb 2012

Millen Woods in Waterloo, Canada held their first DeforestACTION fundraiser, raising $400 for DeforestACTION! Congrats to Millen Woods, and keep up the great work!!

Dallas Brooks Community Primary are at it again!

Posted by sarahassan on 26 Jan 2012

Check out the latest video from the Savutans DeforestACTION group, composed of students from Dallas Brooks Community Primary.  They share what they have learned through DeforestACTION, and the work they have been doing to protect rainforest land and orangutan habitat in Borneo.  Check it out in the Videos section!

DeforestACTION Presentation by Mark Kuroski!

Posted by sarahassan on 26 Jan 2012

Check out the amazing presentation by Eco Warrior Mark Kuroski that summarizes the work the that will be undertaken in Borneo during the next 80 days, and what you can do to help.  Thanks, Mark for all your hard work!

New Eco-warrior Blogs from their 20 Days in Borneo!

Posted by amandacembal on 24 Jan 2012

Both Eco-warriors, Shadrack and Yvette, are posting blogged stories of their 20 day adventure in Borneo! Follow their journey as they become Eco-warriors, travel to Borneo, and experience the impacts of deforestation on the local communities, wildlife and eco-systems. 

Follow the Eco-warrior journey here!

The Princess of Jogyakarta pledges to support DeforestACTION

Posted by amandacembal on 17 Jan 2012

At the annual Education World Forum in London, Princess Gusti Pembayun of Jogyakarta challenged school leaders from across the globe to get behind the DeforestACTION project. Her Royal Highness personally committed to enrolling another one million Indonesian students into the project! 

Learn more about the Princess's support for DeforestACTION!

DeforetACTION is highlighted in a new education book as a global best practice!

Posted by amandacembal on 17 Jan 2012

The new book "Innovate! Collective Wisdom from Innovative Schools" features the best examples of educational innovation from across the planet, and powerful ideas from the leading educational 'gurus'. DeforestACTION is featured throughout this new book as an exemplar of best practices for education! 

Read more about this new education book!

DeforestACTION Lesson Idea of the Week!

Posted by sarahassan on 9 Jan 2012

Create a rainforest video using Microsoft Photostory!

DeforestACTION educator Richard Jones from Pontybrenin Primary School in Wales used Microsoft Photostory with his primary students to create a simple video using still images based on the rainforest.  Check out the Richard's lesson plan on the TIGed Activities Database.


It's going to be a Royal start to 2012 for DeforestACTION!

Posted by sarahassan on 5 Jan 2012

DeforestACTION will be showcased in London from January 8th onwards for the Annual Education Leaders Briefing (ELB), which coincides with the Bett Show.  Her Highness, Princess Gusti Pembayun of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, will be the opening keynote at this event, presenting on the importance of globally collaborative learning projects, and offering a global invitation for school systems around the world to join DeforestACTION.  There will also be some very big announcements about DeforestACTION in the coming week - stay tuned! For more information, check out Sean Tierney's blogand keep up to date through the DeforestACTION Collaboration Centre!

Roots School System Emaar, 'Save Earth on the Soccer Field'

Posted by amandacembal on 4 Jan 2012

Roots School System Emaar Campus arranged a Soccer Match with the theme of 'Save Earth on the Soccer Field' for their first DeforestACTION initiative! The students raised awareness of deforestation through painted murals and posters, and had the cheerleaders wear green! 

Check out their action hub!

DeforestACTION is featured in latest issue of Australian Educator.

Posted by amandacembal on 4 Jan 2012

An article on DeforestACTION, written by Cynthia Karena was published in the December 2011 issue of Australian Educator. The article features many Australian schools involved with DeforestACTION along with the innovative ways teachers are using the program's online education and technology tools to foster project-based learning in the classroom! 

Read it here! 

Global Live Event from Borneo, March 28st, 2012

Posted by amandacembal on 3 Jan 2012

Join us on March 21st, 2012 for a Global Event Live from Borneo! It will be an interactive videoconference event available to students around the world! More details are coming soon!

Australian Singapore Partnership for The Rise of the Eco-Warriors!

Posted by amandacembal on 3 Jan 2012

Brisbane screen production company Virgo Productions is teaming up with Singapore-based Silver Media Group to produce a mainstream 3D action adventure documentary entitled "The Rise of the Eco-Warriors" which will be documenting the DeforestACTION movement.

Read the article here!

Article: Curbing Deforestation in Borneo

Posted by amandacembal on 20 Dec 2011

DeforestACTION is featured in an article by APEP Digital Opportunity Center!  

"Software giant Microsoft Asia Pacific together with TakingITGlobal has backed 15 young 'eco-warrios' in the jungles of Borneo in an effort to curb deforestaction, called DeforestACTION..."

Read more of this article here!

DeforestACTION School Engagement Coordinator - Internship Opportunity with TakingITGlobal

Posted by amandacembal on 29 Nov 2011

TakingITGlobal is seeking School Engagement Coordinators to take part in a 4 month volunteer internship with DeforestACTION. This part-time opportunity is perfect for youth around the world interested in building on skills and experience in communications and media outreach, volunteer engagement, and public relations. Our ideal candidates are dynamic individuals who are passionate about the potential of technology in shaping a better world and adept at using social media to foster engagement and activism, and has prioir experience in outreach and environmental education. 

Click here to learn more!

Stay up to date on all the latest DeforestACTION progress and follow the Eco Warriors on their blog sites!!

Posted by Amelia Swan on 1 Nov 2011

Since the Eco Warriors have returned from their first trip to Borneo lots of activity and progress has been made.  Stay up to date with the latest news and follow the Eco Warriors at their blog sites!

Paul Daley


Liza Heavener


Fabrice Marre


Kodi Twiner


Ben Dessen



Rise of the Eco-Warrior Video!

Posted by amandacembal on 27 Oct 2011

Check out this video trailer produced by Virgo Productions and witness the experiences of the eco-warriors during their first 20 days in Borneo.  You will see the forests, communities, and animals that we are all working hard to try and protect. 

Virgo Productions is returning with the Eco-Warriors in March 2012 to finish documenting the DeforestACTION movement in Borneo. They are currently in the process of creating a 3D documentary of this movement insprired by the collective action of world's youth to stop deforestation! 


Did you miss our October live event?

Posted by amandacembal on 25 Oct 2011

Having recently returned from Borneo we heard from documentary producer, Cathy Henkel present her experience filming the first 20 days of the DeforestACTION movement. We also heard from a couple Eco-Warriors as they shared with us some of their experiences in Borneo! 

If you were not able to attend you can watch it here

Earth Watchers program by Geodan receives prestigious award!

Posted by amandacembal on 25 Oct 2011

Geodan was awarded overall winner at the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Masters competition in Europe for it's Earth Watchers software program! Geodan won for its innovative approach to rainforest conservation.

View the GMES results booklet and article online!  

Also visit Geodan's homepage for more information about Earth Watchers!

Eco-Warrior, Emily Hunter featured in University article.

Posted by amandacembal on 25 Oct 2011

EcoWarrior, Emily Hunter has been featured in an online Toronto University newsletter! The article is a Q&A with Emily about DeforestACTION and what it means to be an Eco-Warrior.

To read this Q&A article click here!

DeforestACTION makes national news in Australia.

Posted by amandacembal on 25 Oct 2011

DeforestACTION was featured on Queensland Australia's Channel 7 news, nationwide! The news story highlights the 3D documentary and the Earthwatchers program, and focusses on how students from all around the world are fighting to save the rainforests in Borneo! 

Click to watch the full story

Varsity College Makes Headlines!

Posted by sarahassan on 17 Oct 2011

Check out this great story featuring Varsity College and Eco Warrior Paul Daley, where they share how students around the world are monitoring rainforest land to protect the homes of Orang-utans in Borneo!


DeforestACTION in the heart of Borneo: An inspiring blog by Eco Warrior Paul Daley

Posted by Amelia Swan on 16 Oct 2011

Eco Warrior Paul Daley shares his experience of the first 20 days in Borneo as part of the DeforestACTION project. Such an inspiring and thoughtful reflection, with beautiful photography. Enjoy!


EcoWarrior, Emily Hunter is featured in an online magazine!

Posted by amandacembal on 11 Oct 2011

Emily Hunter has been featured in the online magazine, 20-someting, as an inspirational youth for the 21st century!

In September Emily was interviewed by the magazine to share her story with youth everywhere, about what inspired her to help stop deforestation and to become involved with DeforestACTION.

Visit the online magazine to view Emily's article! http://www.20-something.ca/inspired-by-emily-hunter/

Blog Postings by EW, Liza Heavener

Posted by amandacembal on 6 Oct 2011

Visit Eco Warrior Liza Heavener's blog site to share in her experiences of her first 20 days in Borneo! Her posts are a thoughtful collection of interactions with the Dayak communities, living and trekking through the jungle,  witnessing the environmental destruction,  and being surrounded by film cameras! 

Visit her blog site here: http://heelstoboots.wordpress.com/ 

Report on the first 20 Days in Borneo!

Posted by amandacembal on 6 Oct 2011

Dr. Willie Smits has written a report about what DeforestACTION and the Eco Warriors have achieved during the first 20 days on the ground in Borneo!! 

To view this report visit: http://www.anactionmovie.com/WillieSmits_Report_Oct2011.pdf

Join us in October for a DeforestACTION Live Event!

Posted by amandacembal on 2 Oct 2011

Having recently returned from Borneo, Cathy Henkel, producer of the documentary Project Borneo 3D: 100 Days in the Jungle, will present her experience filming the first 20 days of the DeforestACTION movement!

We will also hear from the Eco Warriors, who will share the stories of the Dayak communities deeply effected by deforestation in Borneo, and share how to empower the world to take DeforestACTION! There will also be some incredible updates and surprises!

The live event will take place on October 17th, 2011 for Europe, Africa and the Middle East (London -9am BST; Instanbul -11am EEST) and on October 18th, 2011 for North and South America (Edmonton - 10am MDT; Brasilia -2pm BRT) and Asia Pacific (Dheli -8am IST; Sydney -1:30pm EST; Wellington -3:30pm NZDT). 

Register here: http:www.tigurl.org/DFAOCT2011

Dayak villagers resist palm oil company - Blog by Emily Hunter!

Posted by amandacembal on 27 Sep 2011

Eco-Warrior Emily Hunter captured an amazing moment, where a large group of Dayak villagers began a weeklong protest to reclaim their land outside of Singtang in West Kalimantan, Borneo.

Emily wrote an editorial blog post expressing how this "action represents a last stand to defend their ancestral land against palm oil company encroachment." 


Read the rest of Emily Hunter's blog, and see some wonderful pictures capturing this amazing moment at: http://shout.tiged.org/dfahq/blogs/?UpdateID=4983631

View Photos of the Eco-Warriors in Borneo!

Posted by amandacembal on 20 Sep 2011

Added to the Action HQ Gallery are photos supplied by Eco-Warrior, Paul Daley. They are photos taken of the Eco-Warriors and their first few days in Borneo!

Please visit this link: http://shout.tiged.org/dfahq/gallery/?view=albumfiles&id=2801 to view the photos!!

Inspiring Fundraising Initiative by Dallas Brooks Primary School!

Posted by amandacembal on 20 Sep 2011

The Students at Dallas Brooks Community Primary School have worked with Miss Anderson and Mr. Saheed to develop an online DeforestACTION shop! Some of the products the students are selling for the DeforestACTION initiative includes a variety of clothing, drinkware, buttons, stickers, and even pet supplies! 

The students designed all the graphics for their wide range of products themselves, and all profits from their sales are passed onto supporting the establishment of an orang-utan sanctuary in Indonesia.

Already the students at Dallas Primary School have raised over $3,300 to support DeforestACTION! Thank-you for all your hard work, and congratulations on your amazing fundraising initiative and inspiring success!!

You can check out their online shop at:  http://www.cafepress.com.au/dallasdeforestshop and visit their Action Hub: http://dfa.tigweb.org/school/dallas to show your support and follow their journey! 

Link to view the DeforestACTION Webinar!

Posted by amandacembal on 19 Sep 2011

Thank-you so much for those who were able to join in on our live webinar, your comments and questions were amazing! It was so great to see so much enthusiasm for learning more about DeforestACTION and what the Eco-Warriors are experiencing in Borneo. 

For those who could not join us, click on the following link to view the recording: www.tigurl.org/dfalive2.

If you would like to become more involved, click here to register and become a DeforestACTION Action Agent. Once you have registered visit the DeforestACTION home page, then click on my action hub in the top right to begin your journey!

14-Day Borneo Trip with the Ecowarriors - Deadline December 31st!

Posted by sarahassan on 16 Sep 2011

Since the launch of DeforestACTION in Borneo, there has been amazing support and dedication from Action Agents all around the world. Due to the overwhelming interest in being part of the DeforestACTION team, we are extending the deadline for Action Agents to join the Eco Warriors in Borneo until December 31st, 2011.

Action Agents who raise $5,000 and recruit 500 members to their Action Hub are eligible to go to Borneo and spend 14 days on the ground with the Ecowarriors in 2012.

Deadline: December 31st, 2011.

Please note that travel expenses, including: airfare, accommodations, and ground travel will be the responsibility of the Action Agents. A more detailed breakdown of these living and travel expenses will be provided after the Ecowarriors have returned from their first 20 days in Borneo.

If you would like to become an Action Agent, register for DeforestACTION here, and on the DeforestACTION project home page click on my action hub in the top right to start your journey.


EcoWarriors first days in Borneo!

Posted by amandacembal on 15 Sep 2011

The 15 Eco Warriors have started their activities in Borneo. Here is a look into their first trip to Sintang, Indonesia, where the Eco Warriors met each other, their team on the ground, tried local cuisine, and took in the sights of Singtang.

Photos posted by: Venie Hartinie,  Sept.14th.

Join us Sept.19th for a live DeforestACTION event!

Posted by amandacembal on 8 Sep 2011

Since the live event in July 2011, the new DeforestACTION website has launched, Earthwatchers is getting ready for beta-testing, and 15 Eco Warriors have left for Borneo to begin their 100 day journey!

On September 19th, 2011, meet the 15 Eco Warriors who will share their DeforestACTION experiences so far. From seeing the impacts of deforestation in Borneo to engaging with local Dayak communities, the Eco Warriors will inspire us by what they are doing, and share how our hard work raising awareness and funds is evolving on the ground.  There will also be some incredible surprises!

The live event will be taking place live from Sintang in Borneo, Indonesia from 1:30 - 2:30pm (EST - Brisbane, Australia time)

Register your school here: http://www.tigurl.org/dfasept2011


Meet the Project Borneo 3D Eco-Warriors!!

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 1 Sep 2011

Click here to meet the Eco-Warriors 

Exciting times are ahead for DeforestACTION supporters as the start of Borneo 3D begins...

Project Borneo 3D: 100 Days in the Jungle will soon follow 15 young ‘Eco-Warriors’ who will spend 100 days in the jungle working with acclaimed scientist Dr Willie Smits and the local Dayak people. The 3D movie will capture the Eco-Warriors:

  • Setting up satellite technology to monitor the existing forest
  • Confronting illegal logging
  • Replanting an entire forest eco-system
  • Rescuing and care for orangutans and release them back into the wild.

If you can’t wait for the movie to see what happens then follow the eco-warrior’s individual Action Hubs for up to date happenings in the jungle!

Paul Daley Ben Dessen Fahrani Empel Emily Hunter Shadrack Kalasa Mark Kuroski Anne-Sophie Marion Fabrice Marre Chai Chin Neo Steve Patriarco Perry Schumacher Yvette Teeselink Kodi Twiner Liza Heavener Tom Smith

Pemore Meerkat's have been busy AGAIN!

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 1 Sep 2011

Just like Silverton Primary School (Australia) the Pedmore PrimarY Meerkat’s (UK) have sent off a petition from 159 children and staff to urge the European Parliament to vote FOR a new law so that manufacturers have to label whether their products contain palm oil. They are calling for all to join the campaign and email Caroline Spelman, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs at caroline@carolinespelman.com

Students also wrote an article about their DFA palm oil project and it featured on the front page of the July issue of The Circle Gazette! A huge CONGRATULATIONS from us at DFA!!

Read more here

Silverton Primary School Aim Higher!

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 31 Aug 2011

The students at Silverton Primary School have written a ‘letter of change’ to their Federal Politician. The letter of change is requesting that a ‘truth on labelling’ bill should be passed where by all companies who use palm oil as an ingredient clearly identify this on their product labelling. Students hope that this honest bill will give consumers the right to decide for themselves whether to buy the product or not. Ultimately, students are hoping that a fall in sales will force companies to find alternative environmentally friendly ingredients to use in their products.

You can find a copy of the letter here

Happy Reading!!

Mark Kuroski’s visit to Shin Pyeong High School in South Korea!

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 17 Aug 2011

 Mark met with Mr Kim and his principal to talk about DeforesACTION. They are very excited to be a part of the project and cannot wait to start when they return from their summer holidays.

In fact, Mr Kim believes there are other golden opportunities to be gained from the project. There is such an emphasis on learning English in Korean schools that the chance to interact with native English speakers is almost as large a draw to the project as is learning about the ecosystem of the rainforest. Please feel free to reach out to Shin Pyeong High School and help them achieve their aims and objectives, as well the opportunity to interact with an amazing school.

Check out the pictures taken from Mark in his gallery!!!

Live DeforestACTION Webinar - July 27 2011

Posted by sarahassan on 22 Jul 2011

Celebrate the lauch of EarthWatchers, which is Geodan's groundbreaking software tool designed to help young people around the world use satellite images to monitor and take action to stop deforestation in Indonesia.

This event also celebrates the newly launched DeforestACTION website, which allows you to track fundraising efforts, view the project map, connect to the latest discussions, and get project updates. The site will also feature videos and news from the top 16 Action Agents, who will be traveling to Borneo to help lead the DeforestACTION project while starring in a 3D feature documentary produced by Virgo Productions, in collaboration with National Geographic Entertainment.

Join project partners, Action Agents, and youth and schools from around the world in this
exciting event, taking place live from Brisbane, Australia from 11am-1pm (ET / GMT+10).

Register here: http://www.tigurl.org/dfajuly11

The Food Standards Amendment (Australia)

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 24 Jun 2011

The Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling--Palm Oil) Bill has been passed in the Australian Senate. Soon you will know which products contain palm oil and can choose not to buy them. If enough people stop buying the products, they will soon find an alternative.

Latest DeforestACTION discussion threads...

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 23 Jun 2011

Hi Everyone,

Read the latest discussion posts from our action agents below. Don’t forget you can start your own thread at any time...

Happy discussing!!!


Action Agent Blogs

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 21 Jun 2011

Check out the latest blog postsfrom out action agents. Read and share their journey with all, don’t forget to let them know how proud you are of all their hard work!!

Action Agent UPDATE!

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 3 Jun 2011

The top 20 finalists for Project Borneo 3D will be announced within 24 hours of the DeforestACTION Recruit Session on Sunday, June 5, 2011.

See below for TOP 50 Action Agents previously shortlisted for Project Borneo 3D: 




Latest from the MeerKats (UK)

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 3 Jun 2011

The Pedmore MeerKat’s have been hard at work yet again! Check out their latest deforestACTION updates below:

  • The Meerkat’s have won a TOTAL Green School Award in recognition of their letter writing campaign about palm oil in products.
  • Margot James (local MP) visited Pedmore Primary giving the Meerkat’s an opportunity to share their DFA projects. You can watch their fantastic interview here.
  • They have started reaching out to local schools and have created an awareness video. Check out their video and leave some feedback, they would love to hear from you!

Great work Pedmore Primary School! 

Ranga Day Success

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 3 Jun 2011

Congratulations to Taroona High School for organising a successful DeforestACTION fundraising event. Check out some of the highlights below:

  • Taroona High’s very own rock bands composed some great music for Ranga Day. Listen here.
  • Ranga Day Artwork.
  • Virtual conference video below:

Well done Taroona! For more information on the wonderful work carried out by the school please visit their facebook page.

Once again WELL DONE!!

Taroona High School Shout at 'Ranga Day'

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 12 May 2011

Dear All

On May 27th, from 12.00 to 1.40pm, Aust EST, Taroona High School is hosting a whole school ‘Ranga Day’. Taroona High School are inviting schools worldwide to join them help raise awareness and funds for DeforestACTION. For further information and to find out how to join this special day please visit the Ranga Day facebook page.

Pedmore Meerkats (UK)

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 12 May 2011

Dear All

Check out Pedmore CofE Primary's Shout: DeforestACTION journey by following their blog at: http://pedmoremeerkats.wordpress.com/ 

The Rainforest Investigators, The Poison Tree Frogs, Team Amazon, Team Tapir, The Wonderful Rainforest and The Red Eye Tree Frogs took part in a National Essay Competition entitled 'How on Earth can we save the rainforest?' all essays were shortlisted and were read by an international panel of judges including a former Prime Minister of Sweden and Oxford University’s School of Geography & Environment. You can read their essays here: http://pedmoremeerkats.wordpress.com/rainforest/ 

Happy reading!

Ngee Ann's 'Urban Challenge' Shout!

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 1 May 2011

Dear All

Check out Ngee Ann Secondary School’s ‘Pot A Plant’ challenge.This school is based all the way in Singapore but you can join their journey by visiting their Urban Challenge facebook page and become a member.

Colegio Julio Verne (Spain)

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 1 May 2011

 Check out this Shout DeforestACTION inspired project ‘CJV Eco-Logical Co’ from Colegio Julio Verne (Spain). It is a fantastic example of how Microsoft’s educational tools have been used to inspire creativity and innovation in the classroom. The project is centred around the study of ecosystems:  http://cjulioverne.com.es/eco/

Welcome to the DeforestACTION Action Centre!

Posted by Michael Furdyk on 10 Feb 2011

We can't wait to hear your ideas for action on deforestation! Use the blogs, discussion boards, gallery, and maps to post your progress and share your ideas!