Shout 3, Challenge 3: Living, Breathing, Changing Soils


Soils are important for all living things on Earth, including you! In this challenge, you will explore the importance of soils and how they surround and support people every day in both obvious and hidden ways. How can you make a difference?


Learn about the importance of soils. Is a lot of building going on in any area near you? Find or take photos of one of these areas. How is all of the building changing the way the soil is being used? If you were a city planner, what would you do to protect soils? Post the images to the Shout 3 - Change folder. Produce your very own Secrets of Soil exhibition! Using photography, explore soil conservation within your own local land ecosystems. The collection of photos should seek to inspire and inform people about the importance of soil conservation in a fun and creative way. Present some of your photos in a collage, using AutoCollage. Upload your collection to the Shout 3 - Change folder.

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