Shout 4, Challenge 6: Plants, Animals & People


Develop an online video game with the aim of exploring new ways for people and trees to coexist in tropical forests.


Working in teams, develop and create an online video game with the aim of exploring new ways for people and trees to coexist in tropical forests. The video game should explore how people produce food on the frontiers of tropical forests, to the "ecosystem services" of birds and the benefits they provide. Use Kodu game maker, Microsoft's free video game software, to create the video game. Use the Kodu Guide to help you. Post your game to the Shout 4 - Sustain folder. Reach out to other schools in the Shout Global Classroom and organize a real-time virtual conference. You could take advantage of a 30 day free trial and use Microsoft's Live Meeting to organize your very own Shout Virtual Conference, showcasing your responses to Shout challenges. Live Meetings offer high-fidelity recording so you can share your conference with everyone once it's finished by uploading it to the Shout 4 - Sustain folder.

Continue to Shout 5, Challenge 1: American Indian Responses to Environmental Challenges »