Shout 5, Challenge 6: Stories of the Forest - Human Impacts of Deforestation


Using Kodu, student teams develop and create a video game to raise awareness of illegal logging and it’s environmental impact. On a global level, collaborate with schools from around the world to recognize 2011 as the United Nations International Year of Forests.


Working in teams, develop and create an online video game with the aim of raising awareness of illegal logging and the consequences of this to the environment. Use Kodu game maker, Microsoft’s free video game software, to create a related video game. Once you’ve created your game, share it with your peers by posting the link in the Shout 5 - Value bookmarks!

The year 2011 has been designated by the United Nations as the International Year of Forests. You can check out the website to find out how you can participate in your area, and share your experience using Microsoft’s Live Meeting (30 day free trial) to connect and collaborate with schools worldwide. Live Meetings offer high-fidelity recording so you can share your conference with everyone once it’s finished by uploading it to the Class Videos.