Shout 5, Challenge 2: Community Narratives - Citizens Recording History (a)


What are the advantages of oral history interviews? What can they offer that can't be gained from more conventional primary sources, such as documents and artefacts? In this challenge you will explore the answers to these questions by performing your own interviews with people who "value the land".


Listen to Smithsonian scientists share their expertise and perspectives on the protocols and strategies for conducting an oral history interview. They'll show you how to identify a great interview subject, how to prepare for the interview, and what to do during the interview to make sure you can capture great material. Once you are confident, seek out people who "value the land" and record their stories. You can use Photo Story 3 or Live Meeting to record the stories, depending on whether you want to include video or just audio. Make sure to upload your recordings to the Value the Land folder.

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