
Shout at ISTE!

Posted by Kate Gatto on 5 Jul 2011


The Shout team at TakingITGlobal was proud to represent Shout at the recent annual conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). There were plenty of opportunities at the conference to engage with educators (and even some students!) about Shout and all its exciting events and challenges. TakingITGlobal hosted a partner booth for people to learn about Shout and other TakingITGlobal initiatives, and a poster session that highlighted Shout. The team spoke with many about the upcoming July 13th Shout online conference (register today!), previous events and challenges, and tree banding with fellow Shout team member, Josh Falk of the Smithsonian Institution. Check out some of our photos below that show what a great week we had!






Sing-An Elementry (Taiwan) SHOUT!!

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 22 Jun 2011

Check out the short Shout video clip created by Sing-an Elementry (Taiwan). The school after participating in the tree banding project have started a project called ‘‘Hug a Tree.’’  





Shout Survey

Posted by Kate Gatto on 14 Jun 2011

Hey Everyone!

We want your feedback on how Shout is working for you in your classes. Please take the following short survey that will take only five minutes of your time to help us improve Shout to meet your needs.


~ The Shout Team smiley

Ranga Day Success

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 3 Jun 2011

Congratulations to Taroona High School for organising a successful DeforestACTION fundraising event. Check out some of the highlights below:

  • Taroona High’s very own rock bands composed some great music for Ranga Day. Listen here.
  • Ranga Day Artwork.
  • Virtual conference video below:

Well done Taroona! For more information on the wonderful work carried out by the school please visit their facebook page.

Once again WELL DONE!! 

Taroona High Shout at 'Ranga Day'

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 12 May 2011

Dear All

On May 27th, from 12.00 to 1.40pm, Aust EST, Taroona High School (Australia) is hosting a whole school ‘Ranga Day’. Taroona High School are inviting schools worldwide to join them help raise awareness for DeforestACTION. For further information and to find out how to join this special day please visit the Ranga Day facebook page.

Ngee Ann's 'Urban Challenge' Shout!

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 12 May 2011

Dear All

Check out Ngee Ann Secondary School’s ‘Pot A Plant’ challenge.This school is based all the way in Singapore but you can join their journey by visiting their Urban Challenge facebook page and become a member.

Pedmore Meerkat's Shout!

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 12 May 2011

Dear All

Check out Pedmore CofE Primary's Shout journey by following their blog at: 

The Rainforest Investigators, The Poison Tree Frogs, Team Amazon, Team Tapir, The Wonderful Rainforest and The Red Eye Tree Frogs took part in a National Essay Competition entitled 'How on Earth can we save the rainforest?' all essays were shortlisted and were read by an international panel of judges including a former Prime Minister of Sweden and Oxford University’s School of Geography & Environment. You can read their essays here: 

Happy reading!

Colegio Julio Verne Shout!

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 12 May 2011

 Check out this Shout inspired project ‘CJV Eco-Logical Co’ from Colegio Julio Verne (Spain). It is a fantastic example of how Microsoft’s educational tools have been used to inspire creativity and innovation in the classroom. The project is centred around the study of ecosystems:

Green Kids Shout!

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 5 May 2011

 Check out this video from the eco group Greenkids from Randersgade School (Denmark)

Step up to the challenge!

Posted by Katherine Walraven on 21 Mar 2011

It is great to see the list of Shout Global Classroom participants growing and growing as classrooms around the world engage in the program! The third event in the Shout Online Conference series, "Change and the Land," took place last week. If you missed it, it is not too late to catch up as the conference sessions have been archived for your convenience. Visit the Shout site now to access the archives, which include:

  1. The Art of Science - a session inspired by the Alexis Rockman: A Fable for Tomorrow that embraces science and art as complementary ways of understanding our world.  Rockman is one of the first contemporary artists to build his career around exploring environmental issues, from evolutionary biology to deforestation and climate change. His work expresses deep concerns about the world’s fragile ecosystems. 
  2. Educating for Global Competence - The challenge is clear: The world for which we are preparing students today is fundamentally different from the one many of us experienced growing up. Today's societies are marked by new global economic, cultural, technological and environmental trends that are part of a rapid and uneven wave of globalization. This session explores how to prepare youth for an increasingly interdependent world.
  3. Living, Breathing, Changing Soils - The Smithsonian exhibition, Dig It! The Secrets of Soil, stresses the importance of soil conservation by showing that soils are living, breathing, changing natural bodies that form the basis for all land ecosystems—forests, deserts, wetland, tundra—and that enter into our daily lives in amazing ways. An online version of the exhibition includes cartoons, a fun quiz, and a role-playing game. 

Once you've taken part in one or more of these sessions, put your new knowledge and passion for environmental issues to the test by stepping up to a Shout Challenge! Visit the Challenges section of the Global Classroom to engage in a series of challenges designed to deepen learning by using Microsoft tools to create content to share with Shout participants worldwide! Get started today!

Welcome to the Shout Student Community!

Posted by Michael Furdyk on 12 Nov 2010

We hope you enjoyed the first conferences in the series offered by Smithsonian as part of the Shout program! TakingITGlobal is providing online community tools for students to engage with each other, and experts, in discussing the content of the conferences and extending their learning through a series of online activities.

Explore the activities below to get started! Looking for more information about Smithsonian's research programs? You can find links to each of their activities in Bookmarks.

Are you a teacher? Check out Microsoft's Partners in Learning Network, the fastest growing social network for educators globally, where you can find content and curricula and tips and tricks for incorporating Shout challenges into your curriculum to improve 21st Century skills.